Does your enterprise handle multiple cloud environments? Discover how cloud integration can help.
These days, data exists in many forms. Even the smallest company is likely to store its data in more than one location. The bigger you get, the more data you handle – and the more sprawling your infrastructure becomes.
This can create bottlenecks both internally and externally. Is there a way to bring your cloud services together and let your data flow unimpeded with no compromise to security?
The answer is cloud integration – and it's the way that more and more enterprises are doing business.
It gives you the best of both worlds. Enterprises can pick and mix cloud solutions to ensure cost-effectiveness and high performance. But these solutions get integrated so they can communicate effectively.
Done well, cloud integration can smooth out operations, improve customer interfacing and save you time and money.
In this article, we get to grips with the transformative power of cloud integration – and how a company like Ascend Cloud Solutions can help you achieve it.
What is cloud integration?
Cloud integration is the process of connecting cloud services. Sometimes, these connections include on-premises systems. The connections are typically made via APIs. Once hooked up and integrated, data can be shared more quickly and easily.
It can be used to streamline internal processes or the data flow between you and your clients.
What are the benefits of cloud integration?
There are four key benefits to cloud integration. Taken together, they can make your business more efficient.
First, integrated cloud services save you time. Gone are the days of hopping from application to application to get the data you need. Instead, fields are populated automatically with essential information.
Secondly, it reduces the likelihood of human error – and means that your employees can spend less time on data entry and more time on brainwork.
Thirdly and finally, it breaks down the barriers between data silos, improving communication between staff members and departments.
Five use cases for cloud integration
1. Improve the customer experience
Are you a startup or mid-sized business looking to improve the products and features you offer to your customers?
Cloud integration can connect your core platform with third-party APIs. This gives you a comprehensive overview of your data. It also means customers can access your products and services in more places.
2. Enhance your analytics
Data-driven decisions are on every business's Christmas list. But did you know that cloud integration can consolidate data from your digital marketing and give you Christmas insights every day?
Cloud integration can funnel data from different APIs and cloud environments into a single dashboard, where it can be seen by you, your clients and anyone else who needs access.
3. Boost compliance
Are you struggling to maintain compliance across your cloud environments? Cloud integration can manage real-time data flows across your systems without any compromise to compliance.
4. Streamline HR
If you have clients or employees coming and going like the wind, you may find that HR struggles to keep up. Cloud integration can sync individual data to different systems to streamline on-boarding and off-boarding.
5. Simplify document access
In a zero-trust security environment, document access can create headaches. Cloud integration means you can give clients, staff and other parties the documents they need without flitting between platforms.
What are some best practices for cloud integration?
Like everything in the world of IT, a solution is only as effective as its implementation. You need to ensure you're integrating cloud services with a clear purpose in mind. To help achieve this, the following five best practices are all but essential.
1. Prioritise security
Data theft has always been a problem. But today's businesses hold more data than ever. For this reason alone, it's vital you prioritise data security when integrating your cloud services.
2. Know your systems
Before you integrate your services, you need to know what they are. Obvious, right? Perhaps – but it's not as intuitive as you might think. You may benefit from hiring a cloud consultant to take an overview of your systems.
3. Plan and plan again
Some things in life can be busked. Cloud integration isn't one of them. Make sure you plan thoroughly to increase your chances of success.
4. Pick your tools with care
Are you going to use an iPaaS solution, custom-built middleware or a third-party connector? Your choice will have a big impact on the success of your integration – so look before you leap.
5. Get ready for change
In the cloud world, the word "scalability" has the same prominence as "the", "but" and "coffee". It's about modifying services to meet demand – in other words, being ready for change. You should bake this into your integration process rather than putting it on the laterbase.
Sounds hard?
There's no reason why internal teams shouldn't be involved in digital transformation projects like cloud integration. If you've got the talent, use it! But if you don't, you may find yourself at a fork in the road.
The signpost points in two directions. One path leads you to substantial investment in upskilling your staff. The rewards are great but the path is long – and in the meantime, your cloud solutions continue to sprawl.
The other path takes you down the consultancy route.
This is where a firm like ours comes in. We have decades of experience with cloud infrastructure. You get that expertise on tap with technical support and guidance that are as scaleable as your cloud solutions.
In the case of cloud integration, we can lift the bonnet and take a good look at your infrastructure. We can quickly identify where operations can be streamlined and savings can be made.
So, if you're looking for a
cloud consulting firm to help integrate your services,
get in touch today. We'd love to help you simplify your solutions and unlock business benefits.